about aana jaana

The Hindi verb “aana” means “to come;” “jaana” means “to go.” Together they convey a sense of back-and-forth motion. The name “aana jaana” references many levels of movement: the migratory routes of Himalayan sheep and goat herders, my own travels between the US and India, and finally the circulation of handcrafted products as they are purchased, gifted, and worn.

Through aana jaana, I work directly with herders, weavers, and knitters to develop new markets for their wool and woolen products. We’re working things out as we go, so check out the blog and subscribe to the mailing list for updates on the creative, logistical, and ethical twists and turns of the work as it progresses.

about jen

Photo by Swati Parwani

I’m a hobby spinner-knitter-weaver turned interdisciplinary researcher with a B.A. in Anthropology and M.S. in Textiles. This project grew out of obligations to the herding and weaving communities of Himachal Pradesh, India, who have welcomed me in over several years of travel and research in the region. In 2015 I studied natural dyes in Kullu valley on a grant from the UC Davis Blum Center, and in 2017-2018 I spent 10 months studying wool production in Kangra and Kullu districts on a Fulbright-Nehru student research grant. You can read about some of those experiences on my personal blog.

about our partners

Kandvari, a small business in Kangra Valley, supports smallholder farmers and is revitalizing the use of soapnuts by processing them into a natural laundry detergent.

Kullvi Whims is a micro-enterprise group in Kullu Valley working with textile crafts to provide income-earning opportunities for rural women.